Responsible employers will likely to request staff members to wear PPE to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Automatic dispensers safely and efficiently distribute masks and other PPE:
- Machines can be sited in convenient locations
- 24/7 access
- Easy and traceable dispensing, no staff required
- Control and track usage
Easy and traceable dispensing with Hi Card
Our Hi-Card contactless system allows managers to track consumption of PPE:
- Easy stock control
- Spot any excess consumption
- Ensure that all employees are taking the designated equipment & identify anyone not collecting adequate PPE
- Allow a set amount of PPE per staff member per day/week
- Allow visitors to purchase PPE via the tap and pay module

What happens when this is all over?
When the Covid-19 crises is over – the machine can be adapted to vend other products including:
- Cold cans and bottles*
- Traditional vending snacks and confectionary*
- Tools, office equipment or personal essentials
- Anything that fits!
* refrigeration unit required for food/drink

contact us
For a no obligation site survey and competitive quotation we would be delighted to hear from you..