The new Cooler Cafe Unit is a one-stop-shop for all your staff and visitors needs.
The Cooler Cafe is the latest innovation in break room technology. This unit comes standard with a cooler lock, attached kiosk, and credit card reader. Your customers will be able to select an item and purchase within seconds.
Users simply select a product and pay. After payment the door unlocks and customer grabs their product and the door closes.
Great for all sized locations. The Cooler Cafe can be a stand-alone food solution or a complement to existing markets, vending or cafe locations.
For more information on this innovative new system and how it can benefit your business please contact us.
Free Delivery
On all fully managed and rented machines.
Free Installation
Installation & commissioning on all rented machines.
Free Training
Our engineer will explain how to operate and maintain the machine.
No Hidden Charges
What we quote is what you pay. Not a penny more.