Corporate responsibility

We are aware that many of our products and services may affect the environment around us. Consequently we have implemented a number of measures to keep this to a minimum.

energy saving machines

Power down modes implemented during times of low activity. Low energy LED lighting predominates rather than fluorescent lighting, heating elements are more efficient and improved insulation of hot and cold chambers means far less energy is expended. In addition new learning software means that machines quickly revert back to idle stand by mode when not in use for a set period of time.

vehicle management

By carefully planning the routes of our engineers and vending operators we try to minimise mileage and fuel usage. All company vehicles are required to be used for essential journeys only and we always try to buy the most energy efficient cars and vans for our fleet. We also encourage our wholesale customers to take product orders less frequently to cut down the frequency of visits.

in-house actions

All staff are encouraged to reduce, recycle and reuse. We actively discourage the use of paper in the office environment and instead rely on electronic communications. Cardboard packaging materials are sent for recycling and we also recycle printer and toner cartridges. Our own beverage machines use paper rather than plastic cups and many staff members use their own china mugs, to cut down on our waste products.

Vending products that are at or near their sell-by date are given to local organisations or charities to avoid unnecessary landfill.

Sustainable ingredients

Complete Refreshment Solutions stock an extensive range of consumable products from ethical and sustainable sources including Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade and UTZ.


The FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent consumer label, which appears on products as a guarantee that disadvantaged producers are getting a better deal. The FAIRTRADE Mark is unique: it guarantees farmers in developing countries a fair price for their products which covers the costs of sustainable production. Because this price is stable it allows them to plan for their future. The rules and practices of international trade are biased in favour of rich countries and powerful companies, often to the cost of poor producers.

Fairtrade environmental development criteria ensure that producer organisations make environmental protection an integral part of farm management. This includes minimising the use of chemical fertilisers and insecticides and their gradual replacement with natural alternatives, protection of water, soil structure and other natural resources, and the responsible disposal of waste


The Rainforest Alliance advocates the use of sustainable farming methods to protect the environment as well as helping the local workers and their communities. It collaborates with farmers, workers, business leaders, Non-Governmental Organisations, governments and local communities to develop and implement standards in coffee farming that are socially and environmentally responsible, as well as economically viable.

‘Certification’ by the Rainforest Alliance is a signal that a farm has met rigorous standards that conserve biodiversity and provide sustainable livelihood. Rainforest Alliance certification stands for a sustainable future for coffee farming, but certification is also valuable because it is an independent guarantee that high social, economic and environmental standards are being met.


UTZ Certified is one of the largest coffee certification programs in the world. Its vision is to achieve sustainable agricultural supply chains where farmers and the food industry take responsibility by demanding and rewarding sustainably grown products.

Its vision is to achieve sustainable agricultural supply chains where farmers implementing good practices which lead to better businesses, where the food industry takes responsibility by demanding and rewarding sustainably grown products, and where consumers buy products which meet their standard for social and environmental responsibility.

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